5 June 2024 Minutes



Present: Cllrs. Stephen Jarman (SJ, Chair), Charles Barnascone (CB) Paddy Furey (PF) Alice Maggs (AM), Mark Merrin (MM), Matt Revill (MRe) and Martin Round (MRo)


Absent: None

Clerk: Anne Pallett 

Public: Cllr. P Wood


24/140 Welcome by Chairman


24/141 Public participation 

No members of the public present.


24/142 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.


24/143 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in

accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to 

consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.

Cllr MRe declared an interest in items 26, 28 and 29 on the agenda.


24/144 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1 May 2024

Proposed Cllr MM Seconded Cllr MRe

All in favour


24/145 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 22 May 2024

Proposed Cllr MRe Seconded Cllr MM

All in favour


24/146 Update on any agreed action points

Planning responses from last meeting had been sent to SKDC

Response to SKDC Local Plan sent to DCllr Wood

Draft Licence with Newark Brazil FC amendments made as agreed at meeting on 22 May 2024. 


24/147 To receive District and County Councillor report

County Cllr Maughan did not attend the meeting.

District Cllr Wood gave an update. Cllr CB asked about arrangements for a further meeting with SKDC to discuss the SKDC Local Plan. Cllr Wood agreed to try to arrange this.


24/148 Cllr SJ signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Chair), witnessed by Clerk, deferred from last meeting.


24/149 To receive the annual Internal Audit Report for 2023-24 financial   

Year and consider any action required to be taken

Information not received from Internal Auditor in time to be considered. Item deferred to next meeting.


24/150 To consider and resolve to approve the Annual Governance 

Statement for the 2023-24 financial year.

Deferred to next meeting 

24/151 To consider and resolve to approve the annual accounting    

statements for the 2023-24 financial year including Explanation 

of Variances

Deferred to next meeting


24/152 To set the dates for the period of the exercise of public rights as

10 June 2024 to 19 July 2024 inclusive

Deferred to next meeting


24/153 The Parish Council reviewed their Standing Orders and resolved to add and alter as follows:-

1t ‘shall not exceed 5 minutes’ 

15a changed from a ‘Councillor’ to ‘other staff member’ as per model SO.

15b changed from ‘2 days’ to ‘4 days’

16a changed from ‘councillor’ to appropriate staff member’ as per model SO

18v. changed from’ £1000’ to ‘£25000’

19a insert ‘Council’ between of and is

19c and e Clerk/RFO to be inserted as job title.

Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr MRe

All in favour


24/154 Review of CPC Financial Regulations NALC Model Regs circulated Deferred to next meeting


24/155 To review  all other CPC policies and procedures

Deferred to next meeting


24/156 To agree amendment to Social Media Policy

Deferred to next meeting


24/157 The Parish Council resolved to adopt the Agenda Item Request Form for use when requesting any agenda items

Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr SJ


24/158 To agree to return amended Licence between CPC and  Newark

Brazil FC, as per last meeting, to solicitor for agreement.

The Parish Council discussed use of the field by Claypole Cricket Club and agreed that a paragraph regarding sub-letting should be inserted. To be discussed and agreed at extraordinary meeting together with AGAR information, date yet to be decided.


24/159 The Parish Council resolved to agree to request from solicitor for an A3 1:1250 Ordnance Survey Base Plan of the area in the Licence at a cost of £33.00 plus vat

Proposed Cllr AM Seconded Cllr SJ

All in favour


24/160 The Parish Council agreed to the installation of cemetery notice board

Cllrs PF and SJ to purchase postcrete and install notice board,

Proposed Cllr MRo Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour


24/161 The Parish Council discussed the condition of the surfacing of the MUGA. Cllr SJ to obtain copy of school risk assessment for use of MUGA.

24/162 Cllr MRe gave information to PC on possible grants available to PC and urged PC to make use of these if appropriate.


24/163 The Parish Council ratified the decision to pay Debtist £471.62 in relation to outstanding contractual payments to Timify.

Proposed Cllr MRe Seconded Cllr AM

All in favour


24/164 The Parish Council resolved to pay extra hours worked by Clerk 8 hours in April and 20 in May 2024.

Proposed Cllr AM Seconded Cllr SJ

All in favour


24/165 The Parish Council resolved to increase grass cutting at the Community Park to once a week until September.

Cllr MRe declared an interest in this item and left the room part way through the discussion.

Proposed Cllr AM Seconded Cllr SJ

Majority in favour


24/166 The Parish Council  approved Cllr PF to attend LALC training course on Cemetery Memorial Management & Inspections, run by ICCM, cost £72.50.

Proposed Cllr AM Seconded Cllr SJ

All in favour


24/167 The Parish Council resolved Claypole Cricket Club fees to remain at £100 for use of field & to pay water usage on monthly basis and for Club to install their water meter as previously agreed.

Cllr MRe declared an interest in this item and left the room during the discussion.

Proposed Cllr MRo Seconded Cllr MM


24/168 The Parish Council resolved to invoice the Cricket Club for £400 for 2023-24 and £480 for 24-25 for the advertising banners around park. Note to be added reminding them that the banners are to be removed at the end of the season.

Cllr MRe declared an interest in this item and left the room during the discussion.

Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr SJ

All in favour


24/169 The Parish Council agreed to pay expenses of £12.00 to Cllr Barnascone for bin bags for litter pick. Receipts provided.

Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr AM

All in favour


24/170 Financial Matters, as follows;

a. The Parish Council  received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements to 30 April 2024. Balances checked and signed by Cllr AM.

b. The Parish Council received and noted all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024.

c. The Parish Council resolved to approve payments made 1 May 2024 to 31 May 2024 as follows:

i. Newark Storage (April) £48.00

ii. SCIS IT maintenance £48.00

iii. Clerk Salary and expenses(April) GDPR

iv. Grass cutting £1060.80

v. SCIS .gov.uk emails £384.32

vi. Zurich Insurance £876.14

vii. ICCM Membership £95.00

viii. ICO Subscription £35.00 

ix. Debtist (Timify) £471.62

x. Clerk Salary and Expenses(May) GDPR

xi. HMRC £91.80

xii. Newark Storage (May) £48.00

Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour


24/171 Planning

a. To consider planning applications (listed below)


Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension.

Blaire Rowan 3 Rectory Lane Claypole Lincs

The Parish Council had no objection to this application.

Cllr AM left the meeting at this point.


Proposal: Erection of garage

107 Main Street Claypole Lincs

The Parish Council had no objection to this application.

b. The Parish Council noted the following decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate


Construction of 3 no dwelling including private drive access. Development Site Next To 31 Barnby Lane Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5AW

Decision 24 May 2024 Approved conditionally


Retrospective application for the demolition of 2no. buildings, reuse of an existing building, and the erection of 3no. new buildings on the site (2no. erected and 1no. proposed). The installation of 40no. solar panels on land within the site. Hill View Stubton Road Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BP

Decision 10 May 2024 Approved conditionally


c. Other Planning Matters


Application for permission in principle for residential development of one dwelling.

Cleveland Farm 84 Main Street Claypole.NG23 5BA

Response date 18 June 2024. Considered during this meeting in case extension to response date refused. The Parish Council OBJECT to this application as it is not part of the neighbourhood plan and is not in keeping with the character of the village.


24/172 Clerks Report

The Clerk gave a verbal report informing the Parish Council that an extraordinary meeting will have to be held before 30 June 2024 to consider the AGAR information. Internal Audit report was received late on the day of the meeting. The paperwork for new bank account has been prepared and will be sent off once outstanding ID information received. Updates have been carried out on the website with the minutes for this year having been added and the contact details for members of Council and Clerk have been updated.  This will be an ongoing project to get the website information up to date.


24/173 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;

Community Park & MUGA No further comments

Village Hall;  No update

Cemetery; Cllr PF gave update on condition of cemetery.

Update on any highway matters No update


24/174 The following correspondence was noted by the Parish Council:

LALC – Pre-election briefing 28 May 2024

Newsletter from Cllr. Maughan 22 May 2024 email circulated

24 March 2024

LALC e-news 17 May 2024


24/175 Chair closed the meeting at 9.05 pm


24/176 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 3 July 2024