4 September 2024 Approved Minutes

6.45 PM
Present: Charles Barnascone (CB, Chair) Paddy Furey (PF), Alice Maggs (AM), Mark 
Merrin (MM) and Matt Revill (MRe)
Apologies: Cllrs. Stephen Jarman(SJ)
Absent: Cllr. Martin Round (MRo)
Clerk: Anne Pallett
Public: Three members of the public
24/215 Apologies had been received from the Chair(SJ) and the Vice-Chair(MRe) had 
apologised that he would be late arriving at the meeting. The first item was 
therefore to elect a councillor to Chair until the vice Chair arrived at the meeting.
Cllr Barnascone was elected as Chair.
Proposed Cllr Furey Seconded Cllr Merrin
24/216 Welcome by Chairman
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that the meeting 
would be recorded to assist the creation of minutes.
24/217 Public participation 
A member of the public gave the Parish Council an update on trees which were 
planted at the beginning of the year. They were concerned that they may have 
had weed killer sprayed around them. Cllr. Furey to speak to the grasscutter
to check if weedkiller had been used around the trees. The member of the 
public raised issue of maintenance of the land in the area around the bridge. 
They mentioned that there was Himalayan balsam growing in that area. A bike 
has also been left there. Cllrs. advised the meeting that this area of land is the 
responsibility of LCC. Cllr SJ had spoken to a representative of LCC at a recent 
meeting who said that the PC could plant. The Clerk advised that any 
permission to plant items on LCC land would have to be in writing from LCC. 
The member of the public agreed to report issues to LCC and the fly tipping of 
the bike to SKDC. There was also further discussion regarding the young 
people gathering and jumping into the river from the bridge.
A further member of the public spoke to the Parish Council in respect of the 
waterlogging problem around his wife’s grave in Claypole cemetery. He advised 
that he thought a soakaway between the path and the memorials might help the 
Agenda item 19 was brought forward in order to discuss this matter whilst the 
member of the public was present. Condolences were offered to the member of 
the public. Cllr Furey, administrator of the cemetery, acknowledged that there 
are issues with waterlogging at the cemetery. No response has yet been sent to 
LCC Flood Risk Team as per LALC newsletter dated 9 August 2024. Cllr Merrin 
advised the Parish Council that he was meeting with the gravedigger and two 
members of the public to discuss what actions could be taken to restrict flooding 
in future. The member of the public left at this point.
Member of the public asked if the agreement had been made between Newark 
Brazil FC and the PC. They were advised the agreement had not yet been 
Cllr Maggs joined the meeting during the public participation session.
24/218 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Jarman. Cllr Maggs and Cllr Revill sent 
apologies that they would be late arriving at the meeting.
Reasons for absence were accepted.
24/219 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in 
accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to 
consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
Cllr Revill was granted a dispensation, prior to the meeting, by the Clerk, in 
respect of item 20 of the agenda in order that he could explain the situation. He 
would then leave the room whilst the Parish Council deliberated and he would 
not take part in the vote.
24/220 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council 
meeting held on 3 July 2024
Proposed Cllr. Furey Seconded Cllr. Merrin
All in favour
Cllr. MRe joined the meeting at this point and took over as Chair of the meeting
24/221 Update on any agreed action points
The Terms of Reference for the Budget Working Group have yet to be 
The zip wire seat is still waiting to be fitted as it has been difficult to find an 
approved fitter.
The cemetery notice board is still to be placed in the cemetery.
MUGA Risk Assessment to be obtained from school.
24/222 To receive District and County Councillor report
District Cllr. Wood gave an update.
County Cllr. Maughan did not attend the meeting.
24/223 Clerks Report This item was brought forward to this point in the agenda.
The Clerk advised the Parish Council it is her role to advise the Parish Council 
in regard to their statutory duties. She informed the Council that since being 
employed by them in February her salary had been paid late on three occasions 
and may even have been withheld. She informed the Parish Council that they 
have a duty of care to the Clerk to ensure payments are received on time and 
that they are in breach of contract by doing this and that withholding payments 
is unlawful under the Employment Rights Act 1996. The salary payments have 
been presented for authorisation, together with other payments for 
authorisation, the other payments have been authorised but the payments in 
relation to salary were not authorised until days later causing the Clerks pay to
be paid late again. The Chair (MRe) is to be added to the bank mandate. He 
apologised to the Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council and they agreed that it 
should not happen again.
GDPR - The Clerk advised that she had an online chat with the Information 
Commissioners Office in respect of releasing personal details of residents to 
councillors when correspondence was received. Their advice was that this 
information can only be given with the consent of the member of the public and 
on a ‘need to know’ basis. Cllr AM asked how that relates to facebook. Clerk 
advised that if it is a private message then the information should not be shared 
but if it is a public post on facebook then it is ok to share this as it is already in 
the public domain.
GDPR checklists were issued to all councillors present to be returned to the 
Clerk as soon as possible.
The Parish Council transfer to Unity Bank has now been completed.
24/224 Financial Matters, as follows;
a. The Parish Council received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements
to 30 June 2024. Total held in bank accounts on 30 June 2024 was £80563.11
Proposed Cllr. Barnascone Seconded Cllr. Merrin
All in favour
b. The Parish Council received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements 
to 31 July 2024 Total held in Bank Accounts on 31 July 2024 was £77594.05
Proposed Cllr. Merrin Seconded Cllr. Maggs
c. The Parish Council received and noted all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 
to 31 August 2024. 
d. The Parish Council approved payments made 1 July 2024 to 31 August 2024
Proposed Cllr Furey Seconded Cllr Maggs
All in favour
e. The Parish Council considered the Quarter 1 (Apr-June) expense against 
budget figures. The Clerk raised potential areas of the budget where they may 
overspend. Virements were recommended. Virement to Clerks Salary budget 
line to be considered later in the year once annual pay award is known. Over 
spend on this budget line as March payment had been delayed to April and 
therefore came out of the 24-25 budget instead of the 23-24 budget.
f. The Parish Council resolved a virement of £500 from the Miscellaneous budget 
line to the Training budget line and £500 from the Miscellaneous budget line to the 
Timify budget line to cover any potential overspend.
g. The Parish Council approved the list of direct debits for 2024-25.
Proposed Cllr. Furey Seconded Cllr. Barnascone
All in favour
Clerk to check if Direct Debit has been approved for Community Heartbeat Trust 
and if so add this to list.
h. The Parish Council noted receipt of vat refund of £5262.97 from HMRC
24/225 The Parish Council resolved that the members of Staffing Committee would be 
Cllrs Maggs, Revill, Merrin and Barnascone. 
Proposed Cllr Furey Seconded Cllr Revill
All in favour
24/226 The Parish Council resolved that no changes to be made to the following CPC 
Policies and Procedures:-:
a. Equal Opportunities Policy
b. Health and Safety Policy
c. Data Protection Policy
d. Data Breach Policy
e. FOI Handling Enquiries Policy
f. Subject Access Request Policy
g. Privacy Notice (General)
h. Environmental Policy
i. Safeguarding Policy
j. Email policy
k. Complaints Policy
l. Publication Scheme
m. Code of Conduct
Cllr. Maggs to review Social Media Policy in respect of Press Officer and in 
particular in regard to GDPR and access to facebook account. Only Cllr. 
Maggs and Cllr. Jarman to have access to PC facebook admin..
Clerk to update Data Protection Policy to say that the Data Controller is the 
Clerk to check the retention periods on the Records Retention Policy
Health and Safety Policy - Clerk to obtain and set up Accident Book
Cllr. Furey informed members that WhatsApp should not be used for 
Council business. Clerk to produce a Parish Council Communications 
Policy to be considered at the next meeting.
Cllr. Revill left the meeting for two minutes for a comfort break during this 
item. The meeting paused while he was out of the room and 
recommenced on his return.
Proposed Cllr. Barnascone Seconded Cllr. Merrin
All in favour
24/227 The Parish Council resolved to suspend Standing Order 3x in order to continue the 
meeting over the 2hours time set for Parish Council meetings.
24/228 The Parish Council adopted a Bio-diversity Policy as per Appx 
Proposed Cllr. Barnascone Seconded Cllr. Maggs
All in favour
24/229 The Parish Council resolved to add Cllr Revill to Unity bank mandate and 
signed the relevant paperwork.
Proposed Cllr. Furey Seconded Cllr. Maggs
All in favour
24/230 The Clerk advised the Parish Council that at the end of March 2024 they had 
£78641.38 in general reserves. The Clerk advised that general reserves should 
not be more than one years expenditure and that Ear Marked Reserves should 
be set up for any projects they may be considering. The Parish Council 
resolved to place funds in Ear Marked Reserves as follows:-
Cemetery £3100
Community Park path £15000
Community Park General Maintenance Fund £20000
Proposed Cllr. Merrin Seconded Cllr. Barnascone
All in favour
24/231 The Parish Council noted one additional salary point to be added to Clerks 
salary due to obtaining Certificate in Local Council Administration (CILCA) as 
per Contract of employment.
24/232 The Parish Council resolved to adopt the General Power of Competence, having 
met the conditions of eligibility as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and 
SI The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) 
Order 2012.
Proposed Cllr. Barnascone Seconded Cllr. Merrin
24/233 The Parish Council resolved to adopt the Scheme of Delegation to Clerk
As per Appx. 12 issued with the agenda.
Proposed Cllr. Furey Seconded Cllr. Maggs
All in favour
24/234 To consider and approve setting up contract to empty the Community 
Park waste bins using funding from SKDC Community Fund. Quotes 
to be sent out asap
This item was deferred to the next meeting
24/235 The Parish Council resolved to donate £500 to LIVES as approved in 2024-25 
Proposed Cllr. Barnascone Seconded Cllr. Merrin
All in favour
24/236 To discuss and consider possible solutions to waterlogging issues at cemetery
Cllr Merrin informed the Parish Council that a meeting with the Parish Council 
has been requested by residents and members of the Church to discuss 
possible solutions to flooding and waterlogging. This is to be added to the next 
agenda and Cllr Merrin to advise them that they are welcome to attend the next 
Parish Council meeting to discuss this during public participation. 
24/237 The Parish Council resolved to allow Claypole Cricket Club to pay the 
outstanding amount from the invoice in five monthly instalments, four of £100 
and the final one of £80 to be paid on the last working day of the month.
Cllr. Revill declared an interest in this item as Chairman of Claypole Cricket 
Club. He was granted a dispensation by the Clerk prior to the meeting in order 
to allow him to speak to the Parish Council Cllr Revill then left the room during 
deliberation by the remaining members and he did not take part in the vote. Cllr. 
Barnascone resumed the Chair for this item.
Proposed Cllr. Merrin Seconded Cllr. Maggs
All in favour
Cllr. Revill returned to the room and resumed the Chair. He was informed by the 
Clerk of the decision made.
24/238 The Parish Council resolved that all members ensure their new email address is 
active by 30 September 2024.Anyone who needs help with this is to contact 
Proposed Cllr. Furey Seconded Cllr. Maggs
All in favour
24/239 The Parish Council resolved to make a request to Lincolnshire Highways for a 
concave mirror on corner of Main Street near Jermaine designs. Cllr. Merrin to 
prepare the information together with photographs and forward these to Clerk 
for Clerk to send to Lincolnshire County Council.
Proposed Cllr. Merrin Seconded Cllr. Maggs
All in favour
24/240 To receive update on replacement zip wire seat
Cllr. Furey informed the Parish Council that it was proving difficult to obtain 
quotes from approved fitters for the fitting of the zip wire seat. He will continue 
to try to obtain alternative approved fitters.
24/241 To receive update regarding young people gathering on bridge on Shire Lane.
This item was discussed during public participation.
24/242 Planning
a. To consider planning applications (listed below)
None received
b. The Parish Council noted the following decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & 
Planning Inspectorate
Blaire Rowan 3 Rectory Lane Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BH
Granted 2 July 2024
107 Main Street Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BJ
Granted 8 July 2024
Land Adjacent To 147 Main Street Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BJ
Granted 7 August 2024
1 Brunts Farm Close Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5AY
Granted 27 August 2024
c. Other Planning Matters
24/243 Clerks Report
This item was brought forward to earlier in the meeting.
24/244 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA MRe/MM
Nothing to report
Village Hall SJ
No report
Cemetery PF
There had been one interment during the last month. Other cemetery issues 
were discussed earlier in the meeting.
Update on any highway matters MRo
No report.
24/245 The following correspondence:
Email from member of public regarding speeding traffic on way in to Claypole. 
Circulated 18 July 2024
Email from member of public regarding flooding on Tinsley Close and action by 
LCC. Circulated 18 July 2024
Email from member of public regarding overgrown trees/bushes on Oster Fen 
Lane. Clerk reported this to LCC and advised member of public.
Email from PC Mark Barr in respect of Claypole bridge circulated and copied in 
to County Cllr Maughan 23 July 2024
Email from member of public in respect of zip wire. Circulated 23 July 2024. 
Response sent by Clerk advising we are awaiting fitting of new seat.
Email from member of public in respect of water-logging at cemetery, circulated 
12 August 2024
Contact from Member of Public regarding Speed Indicator Device not working. 
Email to councillors 27 August 2024.
24/246 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 2 October 2024
24/247 Chairs closing comments
The Chair thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.
I declare that this is a true account of the meeting
(approved at the PC meeting held 2 October 2024)
Signed Dated 
Chair Claypole Parish Council