3 July 2024 Draft Minutes


Present: Cllrs. Stephen Jarman (SJ, Chair), Charles Barnascone (CB) Paddy Furey (PF), Mark Merrin (MM) and Matt Revill (MRe) 

Apologies: Alice Maggs (AM) and Martin Round (MRo)

Absent: None

Clerk: Anne Pallett 

Public: Three members of the public


24/187 Welcome by Chairman

Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that the meeting was being recorded.

24/188 Public participation 

Two members of the public were present to represent the Village Hall Committee in respect of their grant application to the Parish Council. They provided information and answered questions from the members of the Council.

24/189 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs AM and MRo. District Cllr. Wood also sent apologies.

24/190 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in

accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to 

consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.

Cllr SJ declared an interest in item 17 on the agenda.

24/191 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 June 2024

Proposed Cllr MM Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour

24/192 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 21 June 2024

Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour

Cllr Revill left the room at this point.

24/193 Item 17 on the agenda was brought forward in order that the members of the public with an interest in this matter were not kept waiting. SJ declared an interest in this item and left the room whilst the discussion and vote took place. The Parish Council resolved that CB take over the Chair for this item.

Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour.

To consider request for grant funding from Claypole Village Hall Committee.

Members of the Parish Council asked the representatives of the Village Hall Committee questions around the grant application.Grant requested was for Boiler replacement, Village Social Event and Car Park resurfacing. There were discussions around the amounts that the Parish Council had budgeted for grants in 2024-25.

The Parish Council resolved to award a grant donation to the Village Hall Committee of £1500. £1000 from the Claypole Summer Fayre budget and £500 from the Grants and Donations budget.

Proposed Cllr CB Seconded Cllr MM

All in favour

Cllr MRe returned to the room during this item. Cllr SJ returned to the room following this item and resumed the Chair.

24/194 Update on any agreed action points

Cllrs SJ and PF to install new cemetery noticeboard - To be carried forward.

Cllr SJ to request risk assessment from school in respect of MUGA – To be carried forward

Cllr MRe to arrange fitting of flow meter on water meter - completed

Clerk to update Standing Orders as agreed – completed.

Clerk to Invoice CCC in relation to ground fees, banners and water – completed

Clerk to contact grass cutting contractor to carry out weekly cuts of playing field – completed

Clerk to contact solicitor re approval for plan and changes to Licence agreement - completed

24/195 To receive District and County Councillor report

Apologies received from District Cllr. Wood. Cllr. Maughan did not attend the meeting.

24/196 Review of CPC Financial Regulations NALC Model Regs circulated.

Clerk and PC went through the new Model Financial Regulations and made changes as recommended by Clerk in Appx 3 to agenda.

Amounts decided on. Para 5.6 to be £15000 Para 5.8 £3000 Para 5.9 £500 and £3000 Para 5.15 figures as per model regs Para 5.18 amount to be £1000 Para 5.20 amount as per model regs Para 6.9 figures as per model regs Para 9.1 amount as per model regs Para 9.4 amount as per model regs Para 16.4 amount as per model regs and  a paragraph in respect of a working group considering items for the budget each year and presenting this to Council (based on previous financial regs para 3.1. Terms of Reference for working group to be drawn up.

Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour

Cllr SJ left the meeting following this item and Cllr MRe took the Chair.

24/197 Agenda Item 15 Finance was brought forward

a. The Parish Council received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements to 31 May 2024 and agreed to sign these. Total Bank balance £82913.15

Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr MM

All in favour

b. The Parish Council received and noted all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 to 31 May 2024.

c. The Parish Council authorised the payments made 1 June 2024 to 30 June 2024:-

i. Clerk Salary and expenses (June) GDPR


iii. Tallents solicitors (plan for Licence) £33.00

iv. Octopus Energy (DD) £5.13

v. Grass cutting F Allen £1060.80

vi. SCIS .gov.uk emails £31.68

vii. LALC Internal Audit fee £450.00

viii. L Barnascone (Litterpick expenses) £12.00

Proposed Cllr MM Seconded Cllr CB

All in favour

d. The Parish Council noted that AGAR for 2023-24 has been submitted to PKF Littlejohn and published on noticeboard and website.

e. The Parish Council agreed to transfer funds from Barclays Business Account XXXX7785 to Unity Trust Bank Instant Access account XXXX9293

Proposed Cllr MRe Seconded Cllr MM

All in favour

24/198 Agenda item 16 was brought forward. To discuss and agree to appoint internal auditor for 2024-25

The Parish Council resolved to request LALC appoint an internal auditor for Claypole PC for 2024-25.

Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr CB

All in favour

24/199 Planning Agenda Item 18 was brought forward.

a. To consider planning applications

None received

b. The Parish Council noted decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate:-


Application for permission in principle for residential development of one dwelling Location: Cleveland Farm 84 Main Street Claypole

Granted 26 June 2024


Jasmine House 104 Main Street Claypole

Intention to install electronic communications apparatus

Granted 6 June 2024


Bailey Bridge Farm Holme Lane Claypole

Change of use of land to accommodate static mobile home.

Withdrawn14 June 2024

c. Other Planning Matters


24/200 To resolve to set up a Staffing Committee as recommended in Internal 

Audit report 2023/24 item 3, agree Terms of Reference and membership

of committee.

The Parish Council resolved to set up a staffing committee, draft terms of reference, as provided by the Clerk, were agreed. Membership of committee to be agreed at September PC meeting.

Proposed Cllr MRe Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour

24/201 To agree to adopt a Training and Development Policy as recommended in Internal Audit Report 2023/24 item 86

The Parish Council resolved to adopt the Training and Development Policy as produced by the Clerk.

Proposed Cllr CB Seconded Cllr PF

All in favour

24/202 The Parish Council resolved to suspend Standing Order 3x to allow the meeting to be extended for half an hour for this meeting only.

Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr CB

24/203 To agree to review and update Grant and Donation Policy as recommended

In Internal Audit Report 2023-24 item 60

The Parish Council resolved to adopt the Grant and Donation Policy as produced by the Clerk.

Proposed Cllr CB Seconded Cllr MM

Majority in favour

24/204 To agree to review all other CPC policies and procedures at September

PC meeting

The Parish Council resolved to review all other policies and procedures at September PC meeting.

Proposed ~Cllr PF Seconded Cllr CB

All in favour

24/205 To nominate and approve attendance at LALC AGM and Conference on

24 July 2024 at a cost of £40 per person.

The Parish Council nominated the Clerk and Chair to attend LALC AGM and Conference on 24 July 2024 at a cost of £40 per person.

Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr MRe

All in favour

24/206 Agenda item 15, Financial Matters, was brought forward on the agenda see minute 24/197

24/207 Agenda Item 16 To discuss and agree to appoint internal auditor for 2024-25 was brought forward on the agenda see minute 24/198

24/208 Agenda Item 17 To consider request for grant funding from Claypole Village Hall Committee was brought forward on the agenda see minute 24/193

24/209 Agenda Item 18 Planning was brought forward see minute 24/199

24/210 Clerks Report - Clerk did not have any additional information to report.

24/211 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;

Community Park & MUGA - Cllr MRe gave positive feedback on the new playing field grass cutting schedule.

Village Hall - No report 

Cemetery - Cllr PF reported that there are three new memorials being put up.

Highway matters - No report

24/212 Correspondence as listed below was noted::-

Enquiry from member of public regarding planning application S24/0863- response sent by Clerk

Email from LALC re 2024 AGM and Conference- circulated

Enquiry from member of public in respect of zip wire – response sent by Clerk

Enquiry from Member of public in respect of burial plot - ongoing

24/213 Chairs closing comments

The Chair thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.26pm.

24/214 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 4 September 2024