Annual Parish Council Meeting Approved Minutes 1 May 2024

Present: Cllrs. Charles Barnascone (CB) Paddy Furey (PF), Mark Merrin (MM), Matt Revill (Chair)(MRe) and Martin Round (MRo)
Apologies: Cllr. Stephen Jarman
Absent: Cllr. A Maggs
Clerk: Anne Pallett 
Public: Cllr P Wood and two members of the public
24/93 Welcome by Chair. Chair announced the meeting would be recorded.
24/94 Election of Chair
Nominations for role of Chair were invited, received and voted on. 
Cllr. Stephen Jarman was elected as Chair
Proposed Cllr CB Seconded Cllr MM
All in favour.
24/95 Chair to sign declaration of office
The Parish Council resolved to permit signing of declaration of office at 
next meeting due to absence of Cllr. SJ
24/96 Election of Vice Chair.
Nominations for role of Vice Chair were invited, received and voted on. 
Cllr. Matthew Revill was elected as Vice Chair
Proposed Cllr. MM Seconded Cllr. PF
All in favour.
24/97 Vice Chair signed declaration of office witnessed by the Clerk.
24/98 Public participation 
There were no questions or comments from members of the public.
24/99 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
Apologies received from Cllr. SJ.
24/100 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with 
the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for 
dispensations regarding DPI’s.
Cllr. MM declared an interest in agenda item 35a S24/0303
24/101 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3 April 2024.
Proposed Cllr. PF Seconded Cllr. CB
All in favour
24/102 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 23 April 2024.
Proposed Cllr. CB Seconded Cllr. MM
All in favour
24/103 Review of CPC Standing Orders
The PC deferred this item to the next meeting.
24/104 Review of CPC Financial Regulations
The PC deferred this item until new NALC Model Financial Regulations are published.
24/105 Review of arrangements (including legal agreements) with other local authorities, not-for-profit bodies and businesses.
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
24/106 Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for 
reporting back, the following was decided:- 
a. Planning – Cllr. Barnascone 
Proposed MR Seconded MM
All in favour.
b. Finance, to include continuation of bank account signatories & budget per Financial Regs:-
3.1 – Cllrs. MRev, MM, MRo and SJ
Proposed PF Seconded CB
All in favour
5.2 – Cllrs. PF, MRo, AM and SJ
(To check with AM if she still wants to carry on doing this)
Proposed PF Seconded CB
All in favour
c. Sports and Recreation – Cllrs. MRev and MM
Proposed MRo Seconded CB
All in favour
d. Leisure Park, to include continuation of waste bin emptying rota. It was decided that this item should be included with Sports and Recreation (item c).
Proposed PF Seconded CB
All in favour
e. Village Hall – Cllr. SJ
Proposed MRo Seconded PF
All in favour
f. Highways, Footpaths and Street Lighting – Cllr MRo including responsibility for changing the batteries and monthly download of information for speed sign. Cllr. PF agreed to carry on with the defibrillator inspections.
Proposed MM Seconded CB
All in favour
g. Cemetery – Cllr. PF
Proposed M Ro Seconded CB
All in favour
24/107 Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks. Consider renewal with Zurich Insurance renewal date 26 May 2024 £876.14. The Parish Council resolved to renew insurance with Zurich.
Proposed PF Seconded MRo
All in favour
24/108 Review of the Council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies;
The Parish Council resolved to continue subscriptions with LALC, ICCM, Parish Online, SCIS, Scribe, Website Hosting, Community Heartbeat Trust and ICO.
Proposed PF Seconded MRo
All in favour
24/109 Review of the Council’s complaints procedure;
Deferred to June PC meeting
24/110 Review of the Council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its
obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation (see also standing orders 11, 20 and 21) 
Deferred to June PC meeting
24/111 Review of the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media;
Deferred to June PC meeting
24/112 Review of the Council’s employment policies and procedures;
Deferred to June PC meeting
24/113 The Parish Council noted expenditure incurred under s.137 of the Local Government Act 1972 for 2023-24
24/114 The Parish Council agreed the time and place of ordinary meetings of the Council up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council. Meetings to be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6.45pm.
Proposed PF Seconded MM
All in favour
24/115 Update on any agreed action points
Replacement zip wire seat has been ordered.
24/116 Clerks Report
The PC Asset register has now been updated as agreed at the last meeting. LALC have agreed to attend Claypole to provide training for councillors, date awaited.
Information for 2022-23 and 2023-24 has been passed to the internal auditor. He will contact to ask for any further information needed.
24/117 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA Cllr. MRe gave an update. The condition of the football field, MUGA and paths were discussed. Grant funding applications to be on agenda for next meeting.
Village Hall- Member of public gave an update. VH is very busy, a bid for funding has been put in to SKDC for resurfacing of car park. 
Cemetery – No update. Cemetery noticeboard to be on next agenda.
24/118 To receive District and County Councillor report
District Cllr. Wood gave an update. He agreed to arrange a further meeting with SKDC in respect of the proposed Local Plan. Clerk to copy Cllr Wood in to the PC response to the draft plan.
24/119 Financial Matters, as follows;
a. The PC received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements to 31 March 2024. These were checked and signed by PF.
b. The PC received and noted list of all receipts and payments 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
c. The PC approved payments made 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024.Appx 9 attached to minutes.
Proposed PF Seconded CB
All in favour
24/120 The Parish Council resolved to pay Cllr. Furey £30.39 for expenses for printing and postage.
Proposed CB Seconded MM
All in favour
24/121 The Parish Council resolved to pay ICCM membership subscription of £95.00
Proposed M Round Seconded CB
All in favour
24/122 The Parish Council resolve to pay Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT) £198.00 for annual support agreement and to set up an annual direct debit on the bank account.
Proposed PF Seconded MRo
All in favour
24/123 The Parish Council resolved to change from Barclays Bank to Unity Trust Bank. One current account and one savings account to be opened.
Proposed MRo Seconded CB
All in favour
Mandate to include Cllr PF,SJ,MRo,AM and MRe.
24/124 The Parish Council resolved to increase cemetery fees as per appx. attached and to update the Policy accordingly.          
24/125 Cllr. MRe declared an interest and handed over Chair to Cllr.CB for this item. The Parish Council resolved to send out an invoice to Claypole Cricket Club for  
advertising banners around park.
The PC resolved to suspend Standing Order 3x in order to carry on with the meeting.
Proposed MRo Seconded PF
All in favour
24/126 Planning
a. The Parish Council considered planning applications (listed below)
Proposal: Change of use of land to accommodate static mobile home
Bailey Bridge Farm Holme Lane Claypole Lincs
Cllr. MM declared an interest in this item at the beginning of the meeting. He participated in the discussion.
S23/ 1884
Proposal: Residential development comprising two dwellings, new boundary wall with gated access and associated works.
b. The PC noted decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate
Erection of steel frame with fibre cement sheet roof over an existing hard standing area within existing farmyard Copley Farm Doddington Lane Claypole Lincs. Granted 23 April 2024
Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. 
19 Swallow Drive Claypole Lincs. Approved conditionally 12 April 2024
Proposal: Roof dormer extension to the rear elevation and installation of 3 
rooflights to front elevation 1 Brunts Farm Close Claypole.
Refused 24 April 2024
c. Other Planning Matters
Cllr. MM left the meeting at 9.25pm
24/127 Highways matters:
There were no updates.
24/128 To agree amendment to Social Media Policy
This item was deferred to the next meeting as Cllr.AM was not present.
24/129 The Parish Council resolved to exclude public and press under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) act 1960 1 (2) from item 38
Proposed PF Seconded CB
All in favour
24/130 The PC considered correspondence from solicitor in respect of lease and agreed to authorise solicitor to approach the two organisations who hold a charge over the land.
Proposed MRev Seconded PF
Majority in favour
24/131 Correspondence:
24/132 Chairs closing comments
Chair thanked everyone.
24/133 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 5 June 2024
Meeting closed 9.53 pm