9 November 2024 Staffing Committee DRAFT Minutes
Claypole Parish Council
ON 9th November 2024
AT 10:30am
Present: Charlies Barnascone, Mark Merrin, Matthew Revill
Apologies: N/A
Absent: Alice Maggs
Clerk: Matthew Revill
Public: N/A
24/01 To elect a Chair of the Staffing Committee as per the Staffing Committee Terms of Reference
Charles Barnascone was proposed by Mark Merrin as chair for the Staffing Committee and seconded by Matt Revill, and then a majority voted in favour
24/02 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
Alice Maggs was absent no apologies were received
24/03 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in
accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to
consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
There have been no declarations of interest.
24/04 The Staffing Committee resolved to exclude public and press under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) act 1960 1 (2) from the next item, agreed by all present. Public and press were not present at the meeting.
24/05 Review Communications
• Email and verbal commutations between members of the Parish council and members of the public
• Code of Conduct
24/06 Recommendations to Parish Council
• To ensure a respectful and productive meeting environment, we kindly ask all participants to adhere to the code of conduct. In the event of persistent violations, the Chair or Vice Chair may need to request that the individual leave the meeting. If necessary, a formal proposal may be made to this effect, subject to the agreement of all attendees
• Re-evaluate the current code of conduct to determine if it adequately addresses contemporary ethical and legal standards
• Review of Parish Council's Communication Protocols: Assessment of verbal and email communication response times.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the Civility and Respect sign-up initiative
• The committee requests that the comments made to the clerk be withdrawn and an apology issued
24/07 Chair’s closing comments
Chair, I would like to thank everyone for their attendance today. We look forward to the Parish Council's review of our recommendations and eagerly anticipate the next Parish Council meeting
Meeting closed at 11:30am
I declare that this is a true account of the meeting
(approved at the Staffing Committee meeting held on XXXXX )
Signed Dated
Chair Claypole Parish Council Staffing Committee