6 November 2024 Approved Minutes
Claypole Parish Council
AT 6.45 PM
Present: Cllrs. Charles Barnascone (CB), Paddy Furey (PF) Stephen Jarman(SJ)(Chair), Mark Merrin (MM), Matt Revill (MRe) and Martin Round (MRo)
Absent: Cllr. Alice Maggs (AM)
Clerk: Anne Pallett
Public: Two members of the public
24/278 Welcome by Chairman
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked councillors for putting up the lamppost poppies around the village.
24/279 Public participation
It was pointed out that from 16 September 2024 batteries will now be collected by SKDC for recycling. Batteries should be placed in a bag and tied to the lid of the black, silver or purple lidded bin.
24/280 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
Apologies were received from County Cllr. A Maughan.
24/281 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
None received.
24/282 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 2 October 2024
Proposed Cllr. MRe Seconded Cllr. MM
All in favour
24/283 Update on any agreed action points
H&S Accident Book has been purchased and is held by the Clerk.
The cemetery notice board is still to be placed in the cemetery Cllr. Jarman agreed to follow this up.
MUGA Risk Assessment to be obtained from school. Cllr Jarman to follow this up
Grass cutting contract to be considered on next agenda.
Clerk awaiting information from all but one of the councillors for village newsletter article as agreed at last meeting.
Speed Indicator Sign – battery has still not been charged. Cllr Round to follow this up.
24/284 To receive District and County Councillor report
District Cllr. Wood gave an update to the Parish Council.
County Cllr. Maughan sent apologies by email with a copy of LCC Autumn Report which was forwarded to members of the Parish Council.
24/285 Financial Matters, as follows;
a. The Parish Council received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements
to 30 September 2024. Total held in bank accounts on 30 September 2024 was £79354.74
b. The Parish Council received and noted all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 to 31 October 2024.
c. The Parish Council approved payments made 1 October 2024 to 31 October 2024 as follows:-
Newark Storage Inv 14052 £48.00
Newark Storage Inv 14265 £48.00
Anglian Water £96.31
PKF Littlejohn £252.00
Grass Cutting Freddie Allen £1060.80
Additional grass cutting Freddie Allen £1080.00
Octopus Energy (Community Playing Field) £16.18
SCIS (email accounts monthly payment) £31.68
Clerks Salary GDPR
Clerks Expenses £29.60
Bank Service Charge £5.40
Proposed Cllr MRo Seconded Cllr SJ
All in favour
24/286 The Parish Council noted new payscales as agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) for 2024-25 to be implemented(backdated) from 1 April 2024.
24/287 The Parish Council discussed items for consideration in the 2025-26 budget setting, suggestions as follows:-
i. village gateway signs estimated circa £4000
ii. MUGA resurfacing estimated circa £35000
iii. Security barriers estimated circa £2500
iv. Christmas tree
v. Biodiversity projects
vi. Best Kept Village
vii. Competition prizes £500
viii. Cemetery drainage work estimate circa £4000
Any further suggestions to be sent to Clerk for consideration at the Budget Working Group meeting (date to be arranged) and be presented to December Parish Council meeting.
24/288 The Parish Council resolved to adopt the Budget Working Group Terms of Reference
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr MRe
All in favour
24/289 The Parish Council resolved to adopt Claypole Parish Council Action Plan Working Group Terms of Reference
Proposed Cllr. SJ Seconded Clr MRe
All in favour
24/290 The Parish Council resolved to purchase relevant wheeled lockable storage box (once measurements have been checked) up to £30 plus vat and to purchase up to 6 fireproof bags up to £175 plus vat to be kept in the lockable storage box labelled with contents plus padlock for the storage box. All documents to be removed from Newark Storage and notice to be given.
Proposed Cllr. PF Seconded Cllr MM
All in favour
24/291 The Parish Council resolved to donate the historical (over three years) signed minutes of the Parish Council to Lincolnshire archives.
Proposed Cllr. SJ Seconded Cllr MM
All in favour
24/292 The Parish Council resolved to dispose of Claypole Parish Council storage chest from the asset list and remove it from Newark Storage by the end of November. Clerk to give notice to Newark Storage once everything removed.
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr MM
All in favour
24/293 The Parish Council discussed the possibility of growing wildflowers in the Community Park and the possibility of having bird and bat boxes around the village. This will be considered by the Action Plan Working Group. Cllr SJ to gather further information.
24/278 The Parish Council agreed to using LALC for internal audit for 2024-25 at a cost of £275.00.
Proposed Cllr MRo Seconded Cllr PF
All in favour
24/294 The Parish Council, following receipt of annual invoice for domain hosting of claypolepc.org.uk domain, agreed to maintain this domain for a further three months only. Clerk to notify SCIS.
Proposed Cllr MM Seconded Cllr SJ
All in favour
24/279 The Parish Council agreed to nominate Cllr Merrin for Playground inspection Training provided by LALC at a cost of £77.50 plus £130 exam fee
on 14 May 2025
Proposed Cllr MRo Seconded Cllr MRe
All in favour
24/295 The Parish Council received nominations from Councillors MRe, SJ and MM to attend Chairs workshop included in the Core Training provided by LALC at no extra cost to the PC to be held by zoom on 12 November 2024 at 18:00
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr MRe
24/296 The Parish Council received nominations from Councillors CB and MM to take part in GDPR training via zoom provided by LALC on 2 December 2024 (Cllr CB) and 24 February 2025(Cllr MM) at a cost of £30 plus vat per trainee.
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr MRe
All in favour
24/297 The Parish Council agreed Clerk to attend LALC Clerk Networking Day 26 November 2024 at a cost of £20.
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr MRe
All in favour
24/298 The Parish Council resolved to donate £429.00 to pay for the entertainment at the Claypole Pensioner’s Christmas Party to be held on 14 December 2024.
Proposed Cllr MRe Seconded Cllr MM
24/299 Cllr. PF briefed the Council on the Government Consultation on ‘Enabling
remote attendance & proxy voting at local authority meetings’. The Parish Council
agreed to respond as a Parish Council and also as individual councillors. Response required by 19 December 2024. Clerk read out the questions for PC to answer in order to be able to give response on behalf of the PC..
24/300 The Parish Council discussed the possible creation and distribution of a booklet for the families/friends of individuals interred at Claypole Cemetery. Cllr. Furey advised that a copy of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations are issued to the owner of the plot when a plot is purchased and the Exclusive Right of Burial is issued. A record is kept of this. This item was deferred to allow councillors the opportunity to review the Cemetery Rules and Regulations.
24/301 Planning
a. The Parish Council considered planning application (listed below):-
Variation of condition 3(plans) house types A and B of planning permission
S23/2126. Development site next to 31 Barnby Lane Claypole NG23 5AW
Cllr. CB briefed the Parish Council on details of the application.
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
b. The Parish Council noted the following decision – made by SKDC
Change of use of building to non-boarding dog groomers.
Hill View Stubton Road Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BP
Approved conditionally 30 October 2024
c. Other Planning Matters
No other planning matters were discussed.
24/302 Clerks Report
The Clerk informed the Parish Council that as information had only been received from one councillor no article had been submitted for the village newsletter. Cut off date for newsletter is 15th of each month. Cllrs. to provide information in time for next newsletter.
The Clerk had received correspondence from a member of the public regarding the temporary closure of the MUGA. A response was sent to say an inspection was to be carried out and a decision would be made following receipt of the results of the inspection.
Play area inspection had been confirmed for 14 November 2024.
24/303 The Parish Council received Councillor’s verbal reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA MRe/MM
The MUGA has been locked due to possible health and safety issues pending inspection.
Village Hall; SJ
No report
Cemetery; PF
There had been three interments in the last two months.
Update on any highway matters MRo
Cllr. MRo to change battery in the speed indicator device
Reports from Working Groups and Committees
i. Action Plan WG
No report
ii. Budget WG
No report
iii. Staffing Committee
No report
24/304 The Parish Council noted the correspondence listed below:
31/10 2024 Email from Cllr Maughan Invitation to meet Gareth Davies MP
Circulated to cllrs. 31/10/2024
29/10/2024 email from LCC Town and Parish Council newsletter circulated to cllrs. 29/10/2024
29/10/2024 email from SKDC Working together to help the homeless circulated to cllrs 29/10/2024
28/10/2024 email from LALC NALC Financial Services Ombudsman Sector Survey circulated to cllrs 29/10/2024
28/10/2024 Email from member of public re streetlight not working. Reported by Clerk to LCC Response to MOP informing it has been reported with link and details of how to report in future
21/10/2024 Tel. call from member of public re Hough Lane crossing. Advised to contact Network Rail direct.
28/10/2024 LALC Training Bulletin circulated to Cllrs 28/10/2024
18/10/2024 LALC enews circulated to cllrs. 24/10/2024
7/10/2024 email from Deepings NHP re consultancy. Forwarded to CB 24/10/2024
1/10/2024 email from member of public re cemetery forwarded to Clerk by Cllr MRo. Response to member of public 7/10/2024
24/305 The Parish Council resolved to exclude public and press under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) act 1960 1 (2) from item 24/305 and 24/306
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr MRo
All in favour
24/306 The Parish Council discussed the continued leasing of Glebe Land. Clerk to contact Lincoln Diocese to begin negotiations for extension of lease for a further 10 years. Newark Brazil FC to be advised that a barrier would be in place at the entrance and this would need to remain locked.
24/307 Licence/Lease with Newark Brazil
i. To agree area marked on plan as requested by PC Solicitors
ii. To agree response to email from PC solicitors dated 1 October 2024
The Parish Council discussed the matter but did not come to any decision.
Cllr MRo left the meeting.
The Chair closed the meeting at this point.
Meeting closed 21:11
I declare that this is a true account of the meeting
(approved at the PC meeting held 4 December 2024)
Signed Dated
Chair Claypole Parish Council