4 December 2024 Approved Minutes

Claypole Parish Council   

AT 6.45 PM
Present: Cllrs. Charles Barnascone (CB), Paddy Furey (PF) Stephen Jarman(SJ)(Chair), Cllr. Alice Maggs (AM), Mark Merrin (MM), Matt Revill (MRe) and Martin Round (MRo)
Clerk: Anne Pallett 
Public: Seven members of the public
24/314 Welcome by Chair
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. 
24/315 Public participation 
A member of the public asked the Parish Council about the grass cutting contract and what specifically is included in this, in particular in respect of the grass around the village hall. They also brought to the attention of the PC the maintenance including the fencing of the glebe land and the PC’s liability in respect of this.
Another member of the public raised the issue of maintenance at the community park in particular with regards to trees which have become waterlogged, tree pruning and hedge cutting. There was a question around the closure of the railway crossing. County Cllr. Maughan advised that for health and safety reasons the crossing is to remain closed and LCC are looking into the diversion of the footpath. There was a suggestion that the Parish Council could possible take part in the village hall open days, giving members of the public the opportunity to speak to councillors outside of the PC meeting.
The Chair thanked members of the public for their comments.
24/316 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr AM who would be late arriving to the meeting and would have to leave at 8pm.
24/317 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
None received.
24/318 The Parish Council agreed to sign Licence to Occupy in respect of Claypole Community Park Sports field with Newark Brazil FC.
Proposed Cllr. MM Seconded Cllr MRe
Majority in favour
Representatives from Newark Brazil Football Club thanked the Parish Council for their support and the agreement was signed  by Cllrs AM and SJ and the representatives of the football club.
24/319 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 November 2024
Proposed Cllr. MRe Seconded Cllr. MM
All in favour
24/320 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Extraordinary meeting held on 13 November 2024
Proposed Cllr. AM Seconded Cllr. MRe
All in favour
24/321 The Chair brought forward the next item on the agenda.
To receive District and County Councillor report
County Cllr. Maughan gave an update including LCC budget setting, highways and devolution. Cllr Maughan left the meeting following this item.
24/322 Update on any agreed action points
Cllr. SJ has purchased postcrete in preparation for the cemetery noticboard to be installed. Items have been removed from Newark storage and will be sorted and sent to Lincolnshire archives and in storage at the village hall. 
Clerk has contacted Lincoln Dioces in respect of possibility of ectending the current lease. Site visit held with Savills who are representing the Diocese.
24/323 Financial Matters, as follows;
a. The Parish Council received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements
to  31 October 2024. Total held in bank accounts on 31 October 2024 was £88906.34
b. The Parish Council received and noted all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 to 30 November 2024.
c. The Parish Council approved payments made 1 November 2024 to 30 November 2024 as follows:-
LALC Cllr. Training £36.00
LALC Clerk Network Day £24.00
Freddie Allen Grass cutting £1060.80
Mansfield Plastic Fabrications Poppies £187.20
Grant Pensioners Christmas Party £429.00
SCIS  Cllr. IT Support £48.00
Octopus Energy (Community Playing Field) £17.00
SCIS (email accounts monthly payment) £31.68
Rudies Roots Christmas Tree £119.50
SCIS .org.uk web hosting £36.00
Clerks Salary GDPR
Bank Service Charge £6.00
Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr SJ
All in favour
24/324 The Parish Council received the recommended budget for 2025-26 from the Budget Working Group Meeting held on Thursday 21 November 2024 and agreed precept for 
2025-26 at £32338. This will be an increase of 33% on last year and equates to £1.10 per week for a band D household, an increase of 19p per week.
Proposed Cllr MRo Seconded Cllr MRe
Majority in favour
24/325 To receive minutes and recommendations from Staffing Committee meeting held on Saturday 9 November 2024
Cllr CB updated the PC on the outcome of the Staffing Committee meeting. Response times to internal communications to be agreed. Civility & Respect Pledge to be considered on next PC agenda.
Cllr. AM left the meeting at 8pm.
24/326 To agree to annual subscription to Parish Online, cost £86.40
Cllr.PF informed the PC of how Parish Online can be used. 
The PC resolved to renew the subscription to Parish Online
Proposed Cllr. MM Seconded Cllr. SJ
All in favour
24/327 To agree to refund Cllr MM for padlocks purchased to secure MUGA
The PC resolved to refund Cllr. MM £35.07 for padlocks purchased.
Proposed Cllr. MRe Seconded Cllr. SJ
All in favour
24/328 To agree to refund Clerk for purchase of tie wraps for fastening poppies to lamp posts £7.99
24/329 The PC resolved to refund Clerk £7.99 for purchase of tie-wraps for poppies.
Proposed Cllr. MM Seconded Cllr. MRe
All in favour
24/330 To discuss and agree to enter into agreement with Lincolnshire County 
Council in respect of Community Orchard. 
Cllr SJ informed the PC of details of the application. There was discussion around possible location of the trees on the Community Playing Field. No firm decision made on exact location. It was resolved to go ahead with the application and the relevant paperwork was signed by Cllr SJ and Cllr MM. The trees to be delivered to Cllr SJ who will organise the planting and maintenance of the trees.
Proposed Cllr. MRo Seconded Cllr. MM
Majority in favour
24/331 To consider cutting of hedges around the leisure park.
The PC discussed the possible need to cut the hedges around the community park. Access was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr. SJ will meet Freddie Allen at the Community Park to discuss.
24/332 To review the Play Area Inspection report and decide on any action which needs to be taken including any work on MUGA to enable re-opening
There was some discussion around this matter before deciding to defer to the next PC meeting for the Community Park lead councillors to work through the report and report back to PC as to what action is required including work to the MUGA.
24/333 Planning
a. To consider planning applications (listed below):-
Installation of internal fencing upon closure of public house
The Woolpack 33 Main Street Claypole
Wooden fence erected to rear of property. This now acts as security for disabled elderly family member who has Alzheimers and dementia.
The PC object to the above applications as they feel it is not in keeping with the listed building.
Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr. MRO
All in favour
b. To note decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate
c. Other Planning Matters
Cllr. CB briefed the PC on a recent Design Code meeting with SKDC which he attended.
24/334 To agree to pay Clerk for extra hours worked in November 2024
The Chair moved this item to the closed session of the meeting.
24/335 Clerks Report
The Clerk reported that she will be taking leave from and including 13 December 2024, returning to work on Thursday 2 January 2025.
24/336 The Parish Council received Councillor’s verbal reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA MRe/MM
Planting of trees were discussed earlier in the meeting
Village Hall;  SJ
Cllr. Jarman did not attend the recent meeting.
Cemetery; PF
The intention is to install the post at the cemetery next week.
Update on any highway matters MRo
Speed Indicator Device - Cllr PF to get battery from Cllr. MRo and test and then if not working to let Clerk have sign and batteries.
24/337 The Parish Council received Councillor’s verbal reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA MRe/MM
The MUGA has been locked due to possible health and safety issues pending inspection.
Village Hall;  SJ
No report
Cemetery; PF
There had been three interments in the last two months.
Update on any highway matters MRo
Cllr. MRo to change battery in the speed indicator device 
Reports from Working Groups and Committees
i. Action Plan WG
No report
ii. Budget WG
No report
iii. Staffing Committee
No report
Cllr. PF left the meeting at 9.00pm
24/338 The Parish Council  resolved to exclude public and press under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) act 1960 1 (2) from items 24/ due to the confidential nature of the business.
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr MRo
All in favour
Cllr. MRo apologised to the Clerk for comments made during a previous meeting.
24/339 Staffing
The Parish Council resolved to pay the Clerk for the extra hours worked in November.
Proposed Cllr. MRe Seconded Cllr. SJ
All in favour
24/340 Grass Cutting Contract
Cllr. MRe to look at Grass cutting specifications and update for agreement at next PC meeting. Advice Note from NALC given to Cllr.MRe to consider. Suggestions of contractors to be brought to next meeting.
24/341 Chairs closing comments
The Chair thanked everyone for all their hard work throughout the year and closed the meeting at 9.30pm.
24/342 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – Wednesday 8 January 2025
Meeting closed 21:11
I declare that this is a true account of the meeting
(approved at the PC meeting held 8 January 2025)
Signed Dated 
Chair Claypole Parish Council