3 April 2024 Approved Minutes
Present: Cllrs. Stephen Jarman (SJ, Chair), Charles Barnascone (CB) Paddy Furey (PF) Alice Maggs (AM), Mark Merrin (MM), Matt Revill (MRe) and Martin Round (MRo)
Absent: None
Clerk: Anne Pallett
Public: Three members of the public
24/70 Welcome from Chair. Chair announced the meeting would be recorded.
24/71 Public Participation
A member of the public asked about a recent private purchase of land in the village and its apparent change of use. They also asked about plans for the maintenance of the football pitch. Another resident asked about the SKDC proposed Local Plan and what the PC response was to be. They were advised that members of the PC were to meet with SKDC to discuss the plan before putting a response together.
24/72 To receive and accept Apologies for Absence
24/73 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s
24/74 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 March 2024.
Proposed Cllr. MRe Seconded Cllr PF
All in favour
24/75 Update on any agreed action points
Cllr. MRe forwarded solicitor’s letter of engagement to full council.
Response to member of the public regarding Public Interest Report was sent by the Clerk. Cllr Furey requested that item be put on next agenda to change banks. Cllr Maggs has responded to messages from members of public as agreed. Notice in respect of dog waste bags still to be put out on PC Facebook page. Clerk has contacted contractor to request copy of contract.
24/76 Clerks Report
Cllr Furey had contacted Barclays on several occasions to try to organize getting Clerk added to Mandate. It has not been possible to see a member of bank staff to date.
Clerk will be asking Councillors what training they have undertaken. LALC have agreed that they will come out and carry out training sessions in Claypole if all Councillors will attend.
24/77 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
a. Community Park & MUGA
Clerk advised members that 2 signatories would have to sign the lease agreement being set up. ID checks would have to be carried out. Cllr SJ and AM agreed to be the signatories. Approx legal costs will be £650 to set up a new lease. Land registry compliant plan will be required. Once all information received it will take approx. 7 days.
Cllr MRe advised that repairs are to be made by the contractor to the damage caused to the playing field. Cllr. Furey asked why this had not been reported by contractor to the Council.
Cllr Furey advised that a replacement seat for the zip wire will be £302 plus vat and delivery. Replacement had been agreed at previous meeting.
b. Village Hall;
Recent Village Hall open day went well, approximately 150 people attended. Bookings for the hall are increasing.
c. Cemetery;
There was discussion around the condition of the cemetery which is still very wet.
24/78 To receive District and County Councillor reports
District Cllr. P Wood gave a verbal report.
County Cllr. A Maughan sent apologies.
24/79 Financial Matters, as follows;
a. The Parish Council noted updated receipts & payments circulated prior to meeting.
b. The Parish Council noted Financial report circulated prior to meeting and resolved to make payments listed on the report.
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr AM
Majority in favour
24/80 Planning
a. The Parish Council considered planning applications (listed below)
Proposal: Roof dormer extension to the rear elevation and installation of 3
rooflights to front elevation.1 Brunts Farm Close Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5AY
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
Proposal: Retrospective application for the demolition of 2 buildings, reuse of
existing building and erection of 3 new buildings on the site. The installation
of 40 solar panels on land within the site.Hill View Stubton Rd Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BP
The Parish Council agreed to make representation to SKDC that the developer of this site comply with the principles contained in pages 65 and 66 of the Claypole Neighbourhood Plan.
Proposal: Construction of 3 dwellings including private drive access
Development site next to 31 Barnby Lane Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5AW
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
b. The Parish Council noted decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate
Submission of details in relation to Condition 7 (Drainage) of Planning Permission
Orchard Farm Main Street Claypole.Approved 4 March 2024
Approval of details in relation to conditions of S21/0155 (Outline Planning Permission) Erection of 4 dwellings including partial demolition of existing farm yard. Orchard Farm Main Street Claypole. Details approved 13 March 2024
The proposal is to erect a fibre cement sheet shed roof over an existing muck store in the farm yard. Copley Farm, Doddington Lane, Claypole, Lincolnshire, NG23 5AT. Refused 20 March 202
c. Other Planning Matters
24/81 Highways matters:
There were no highways matters to discuss.
24/82 To agree date and time of Annual Parish Meeting
The Parish Council agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on 1 May at 6.15pm followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting.
24/83 To consider consulting Anthony Northcote at an estimated cost of £300 to produce response to South Kesteven District Council Local Plan Consultation.
The Parish Council agreed to appoint Anthony Northcote to put together a response to SKDC in respect of proposed Local Plan at estimated cost of £300.
Proposed Cllr SJ Seconded Cllr CB
All in favour
24/84 To agree amendment to Social Media Policy
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
24/85 Review of Parish Council Asset Register
The Parish Council reviewed the previous asset register. The printer and scanner was removed as they were old and had been scrapped. The power roller and mower had been donated to the Cricket Club. The cost of the defibrillator was changed to £1 as it had been donated. The path from the church to cemetery, the paving at the cemetery, the matting at the glebe car park and the work on community park were all removed as they are not considered assets as per Joint Practitioners Accountability and Governance guide.
24/86 The following correspondence was noted by the Parish Council:
a. SKDC - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy consultation
- email circulated 24 March 2024
b. Notice of Election - Police and Crime Commissioner Election, 2 May 2024
- Email circulated 21 March 2024
c. SKDC Community Resilience plans – email circulated 19 March 2024
Time and date of next Parish Council meeting
Wednesday 1 May 2024 6.45 pm (this includes public participation until 7.00pm)
Meeting closed 8.36pm