7 February 2024 Approved Minutes
AT 6:45PM
Present: Cllrs. Stephen Jarman (SJ,Chair), Charles Barnascone (CB) Paddy Furey (PF) Alice Maggs (AM) Martin Round (MRo) and Matt Revill (MRe)
Apologies: None
Absent: None
Clerk: Anne Pallett
Public: Two members of the public and District Cllr. P Wood.
24/24 Welcome from Chair.
Chair announced the meeting would be recorded.
24/25 Public Forum - To receive questions and comments from members of the public, limited to 15 mins, and please note, the entitlement to speak is only on items on the published agenda.
A member of the public asked when the cemetery is to re-open. Cllr PF to contact Gills.
A member of the public gave an update in respect of the park and trees. They also asked if there was any money available for bulbs and for pressure washing the bench. They will bring details of costs to the Parish Council.
24/26 To receive and vote to accept Apologies for Absence
None received. Cllr AM joined the meeting at 7:02pm
24/27 To resolve and approve Co-option of new Councillor Mark Merrin
Mark Merrin was invited to speak briefly to the Parish Council. The Parish Council resolved to co-opt Mark Merrin as a member of the Parish Council
Proposed Cllr. SJ Seconded Cllr. PF
All in favour
24/28 Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office book – Mark Merrin
Mark Merrin signed the Declaration of Acceptance of office witnessed by the Clerk.
24/29 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s
None received.
24/30 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th January 2024 previously circulated
The Parish Council approved the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4 January 2024 with amendment to be made to numbering of items. To be signed at the next PC meeting.
Proposed Cllr. MRe Seconded Cllr. SJ
All in favour.
24/31 To receive District Councillor report
This item was brought forward to allow DCllr Wood to leave early.
District Councillor P Wood gave a verbal report to the Parish Council.
24/32 Update on any agreed actions:
*Complete year end accounts.
*Submit accounts and all associated documents to Internal Auditor.
*Once Internal Auditor has carried out checks the council will need to approve.
*AGAR needs to be completed and submitted to PKFL
*Notification of Public Rights needs to be published and displayed in the parish to advise members of the public when and where they are able to inspect the AGAR and accounts.
*Newark Brazil Contract, queries discussed, amendments to be made & document to be sent to Solicitors for verification. Cllr. MRe and SJ to agree a date to visit solicitors.
*Cllr. SJ & Cllr. MRe to meet with contractor to discuss standard of work.
24/33 Temporary Clerks report:
Cllr PF (Acting Temp Clerk) gave report to update the Parish Council on the following.
• Awaiting confirmation of dates for Free Adult CPR and Defibrillator Training, courses week nights 6:30-9:00pm, if accepted. Cllr PF will follow up.
• 3 Councillors email accounts not working throughout January, SCIS resolved issues.
• Best4Pests called out for moles on playing fields, traps set in 2 areas & 2 moles caught.
• Email accounts being set up for Clerk & new Councillor.
The following 2024/25 Budget items were acted on, ready for start of new financial year:
• To subscribe to accounting software Scribe.
• Defibrillator Annual Support Contract starts 1/4/2024.
• Upgrade of email accounts to claypolepc.gov.uk to be set up 5th April by SCIS, will forward details to each account.
24/34 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
a) Community Park & MUGA-Cllr. MRe thanked Cllr. MF for sorting the mole problem out.
b) Village Hall; The Village Hall have now had a new kitchen and refurbished the library. They are to hold an open day.
c) Cemetery; Cllr PF gave details of query from Nottingham Registration Office.
24/35 To receive County Councillor report
County Cllr. Maughan did not attend the meeting or submit a written report.
24/36 Financial Matters as follows;
a) Updated receipts & payments circulated prior to meeting was noted.
b) Financial report circulated prior to meeting was noted.
c) Income;
• Solar Farm payment received £16,574.40
• Newark Brazil fees £150.00
d) Agreed payments made in January;
• Newark Storage-£48.
• Octopus Energy (standing charges only) £7.79.
e) The Parish Council resolved to authorise the following payments;
• LALC subscription £381.50 plus training package £180.00, newsletter/reports & training fees, paid 1st April.
Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr. AM
All in favour
• Course payment for Cllr. Maggs to attend NALC Social Media course £52.04 inc. VAT (43.17 Exc. VAT)
Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr MRe
All in favour
• Best4Pests payment for mole catching on playing field - £125.00.
• To provide refreshments for Annual Village Litter Pick Volunteers, water & biscuits, up to £40.00.
Proposed Cllr PF Seconded Cllr AM
All in favour
To accept reports, updates and make payments as presented.
24/37 Planning matters;
S24/0033 – Submission of details in relation to Condition 7 (Drainage) of Planning Permission S21/0155, Orchard Farm, (outline planning permission for up to 4 dwellings, including partial demolition of existing farmyard)
The Parish Council had no objection to this application but raise issue that resident raised issue that other end of village had different rules regarding drainage.
Results: None received.
Email received from member of public asking Parish Council for their comment on possible future planning application. Response to be sent by Cllrs. advising that PC cannot comment until there is an actual planning application.
24/38 Highways matters:
None received.
24/39 Correspondence: The following emails were forwarded to all:
• Neighbourhood Alert
• Planning Advisory Service
• The Rural Bulletin
• Map of Claypole street litter bins emptied by SKDC.
• Parish Council Engagement session with local Lincolnshire Police Officers & Police and Crime Commissioner
• LCC Town & Parish Council Newsletter
24/40 To discuss and agree actions regarding the design of a new Parish Council logo by Claypole Primary School.
The Parish Council discussed the designs for the new Parish Council logo and selected one. Cllr. SJ to notify the school.
Proposed Cllr. MRe Seconded Cllr.SJ
Majority in favour
24/41 Chair’s closing comments - thanked everyone for attending.
24/42 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 6th March 2024
Meeting closed 8.34pm