2 October 2024 Approved Minutes
Claypole Parish Council
Present: Charles Barnascone (CB), Alice Maggs (AM), Mark Merrin (MM), Matt Revill (MRe) and Cllr Martin Round (MRo)
Apologies: Cllrs. Paddy Furey (PF) and Stephen Jarman(SJ)
Clerk: Anne Pallett
Public: Three members of the public
24/248 Welcome by Chairman
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that the meeting would be recorded to assist the creation of minutes.
24/249 Public participation
The issue of waterlogging and the reasons for flooding of the river during the last year were discussed. There were discussions around the condition of the Multi Use Games Area and a member of the public offered help with bid writing if the PC decide to apply for funding regarding resurfacing of the MUGA. Cllr Maggs joined the meeting during the public participation session. The PC are awaiting results of inspection before deciding on what action to take.
24/250 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
Apologies received from the Chair(SJ) and Cllr Furey (PF), Cllr Maggs(AM) had apologised that she would be late arriving at the meeting.
Reasons for absence were accepted.
Proposed Cllr. Revill Seconded Cllr. Merrin
All in favour
24/251 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
24/252 The Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4 September 2024
Proposed Cllr. Merrin Seconded Cllr. Barnascone
All in favour
24/253 Update on any agreed action points
H&S Accident Book still to be set up
Cllr Barnascone having problems transferring over to new email account. He will contact SCIS for help with this.
The cemetery notice board is still to be placed in the cemetery.
MUGA Risk Assessment to be obtained from school.
24/254 To receive District and County Councillor report
District Cllr. Wood gave an update. Cllr Wood confirmed that SKDC have no facility for storage for Parish Council minutes and that this would be through Lincoln Archives.
County Cllr. Maughan did not attend the meeting.
24/255 Financial Matters, as follows;
a. The Parish Council received and noted bank reconciliation and bank statements
to 31 August 2024. Total held in bank accounts on 31 August 2024 was £81725.06
b. The Parish Council received and noted all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.
c. The Parish Council approved payments made 1 September 2024 to 30 September 2024 as follows:-
Newark Storage £48.00
LIVES Donation £500.00
Grass Cutting Freddie Allen £1060.80
Octopus Energy (Community Playing Field) £16.72
SCIS (email accounts) £31.68
Clerks Salary GDPR
Clerks Expenses £30.80
Bank Service Charge £15.07
Proposed Cllr Revill Seconded Cllr Maggs
All in favour
24/256 To decide whether the Parish Council wish to carry on using the PC Whatsapp group and if so to add the following to the Parish Council Communications Policy. The Parish Council resolved that the WhatsApp Group should only be a platform for informal discussions between councillors and not be used as a mechanism for decision-making and acting as an ‘action group’. The reason for this is the council must be transparent and accountable for its actions and WhatsApp does not meet the requirements of GDPR. For example, in the event of an FOI request the council can retrieve email correspondence but is unable to retrieve WhatsApp messages. It is not to be used to report issues to the Clerk. It cannot be assumed that all members and the Clerk will have seen any whatsapp messages. This information will be included in an amendment to the PC Communications Policy.
Proposed Cllr Merrin Seconded Cllr Maggs
All in favour
24/257 The Parish Council resolved to adopt the revised Records Retention Policy,
Proposed Cllr Barnascone Seconded Cllr Maggs
All in favour
24/258 To adopt Budget Working Group Terms of Reference
Deferred to next meeting
24/259 To consider quotes for Annual Play Area Inspection
The Parish Council considered the quotes received and resolved to accept the quote from The Play Inspection Company at a cost of £325.00 plus vat.
Proposed Cllr Revill Seconded Cllr Barnascone
All in favour
24/260 To consider purchase of additional lamppost poppies for Remembrance Day
The Parish Council resolved to purchase 24 acrylic lamppost poppies from Mansfield Plastic Fabrications Ltd, 12 to be engraved with details of fallen servicemen from Claypole, at a cost of £156.00 plus VAT. Cllrs. Revill and Maggs agreed to put these up.
Proposed Cllr Revill Seconded Cllr Maggs
All in favour
24/261 To consider and agree representation of the Parish Council at
Remembrance Service to be held at St Peters Church.
Cllr. Revill agreed to attend.
Proposed Cllr Revill Seconded Cllr Merrin
All in favour
24/262 To discuss and consider possible solutions to waterlogging issues at
Cllr. Merrin advised the PC that he felt they had three options 1. To do nothing 2. To look into soakaways and drainage and 3. to raise the level of the gravestones.
Clerk to remind Cllr Furey to contact LCC as per LALC enews dated 9 August 2024.
Cllr Maggs raised a question from resident regarding possible sale of part of cemetery land to resident. Advised that this would have to be raised as an agenda item for consideration.
Cllr Round raised a question from a resident regarding lack of turf on grave. Clerk to contact Cllr Furey to address this and respond to resident.
24/263 To ratify decision made for Cllr. Merrin to attend NHP training with LALC
at a cost of £36
The Parish Council resolved to ratify the decision for Cllr Merrin to attend NHP training.
Proposed Cllr Round Seconded Cllr Revill
All in favour
24/264 Cllr. Barnascone gave an update in respect of the National Planning Policy
24/265 To consider purchase of lockable storage container to be kept at village hall to store items currently with Newark Storage
This item was deferred to next meeting
24/266 To consider disposal of Claypole Parish Council storage chest currently
with Newark Storage.
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
24/267 To consider request for a member of the Parish Council to take part in
a Community Service at St Peters Church Claypole on 20 October 2024
There was no-one available to attend this service from the Parish Council.
24/268 To consider request from Newark Brazil FC to carry out works on the
Glebe land to make this a useable overflow car park. Email from Newark Brazil circulated 26 September 2024.
The Parish Council agreed to Phase 1 of the proposal from Newark Brazil FC. Method statement, risk assessment and insurance of contractor to be requested from Newark Brazil. Phase 2 would have to be discussed with Lincoln Diocesan Trust before agreement by Parish Council. Agenda item to be raised to consider extension of lease or purchase of land.
Proposed Cllr Round Seconded Cllr Maggs
All in favour
24/269 To consider grant/donation request from Claypole School PTFA. Grant
application form will be circulated as soon as it is received.
Deferred to next meeting when grant application form received.
24/270 To discuss and agree putting together of an action plan for the term of the Parish Council 2024-2027.
The Parish Council agreed to form a working group to put together a proposed action plan to be presented to full Council for agreement.
Working Group to be made up of four councillors MM MRe MRo and CB. Clerk to provide draft Terms of Reference for next meeting.
Proposed Cllr Barnascone ` Seconded Cllr Maggs
24/271 To discuss and make suggestions for adding more biodiversity in the village
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
24/272 Planning
a. To consider planning applications (listed below):-
Development of land with all matters reserved
Land to the rear of the Woolpack 33 Main Street Claypole
The Parish Council OBJECT to this application on the same grounds as previous objection.
Proposed Cllr. Round Seconded Cllr Maggs
All in favour
The Parish Council resolved to suspend Standing Order 3x in order to continue the meeting over the 2hours time set for Parish Council meetings.
Proposed Cllr Round Seconded Cllr. Barnascone
All in favour
Change of use of building to non-boarding dog groomers
Hill View Stubton Road Claypole
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this application
Proposed Cllr Merrin Seconded Cllr Barnascone
All in favour
Proposed two storey side and rear extension and reskinning existing brickwork
Victoria House 147 Main Street Claypole
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this application.
Proposed Cllr Round Seconded Cllr Merrin
All in favour
b. To note decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate
Conversion of existing outbuilding / garage into an annexe
Copley House Farm 85 Main Street Claypole
Approved conditionally 16 September 2024
c. Other Planning Matters
24/273 Clerks Report
Clerk advised that the MUGA had been closed and locked due to H&S issue. School has been notified.
e-mail has been received from solicitor regarding the Newark Brazil contract, this has been forwarded out to councillors. They will need to arrange an extraordinary meeting to make a decision on this. Clerk will be on holiday. emetery
Village newsletter - this month’s article has included advert for co-option of additional councillors. Suggestion made for next month’s newsletter to include a few words from each councillor introducing themselves. Information to be sent to Clerk.
External Audit for 2023-24 is now complete.
24/274 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA MRe/MM
Cllr. Round to request agenda item regarding hedge cutting and cutting down of dead trees.
There was discussion around the emptying of bins on the park.
Village Hall
No report
No report
Update on highway matters MRo
Cllr Round advised that he would change the battery in the speed indicator sign on Friday 4 October 2024. He will contact Cllr Furey to assist him to download the information.
Cllr. Barnascone suggested that there should be a timekeeper for future meetings. Cllr. Maggs volunteered to act as timekeeper for future meetings.
24/275 The following correspondence was noted by the Parish Council:
Email from member of public regarding surface of MUGA. Circulated 24 September 2024.
LCC September newsletter circulated 24 September 2024.
LALC e-news and training bulletin circulated 23 September 2024.
LCC email re free grit ciculated 16 September 2024
SKDC email re Safety and Security of Locally Elected Officials circulated 16 September 2024
SKDC Biodiversity Project Funding email circulated 16 September 2024
24/276 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 6 November 2024
24/277 Chairs closing comments
The Chair thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.20pm.
I declare that this is a true account of the meeting
(approved at the PC meeting held 6 November 2024)
Signed Dated
Chair Claypole Parish Council