3 April 2024

I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Claypole Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 3 April 2024 at 6.45 pm in the Coulby Room in the Village Hall Main Street Claypole. All members of the Council are summoned and members of the public and press are invited to attend.  This meeting will be recorded for the purposes of the minutes and the recording will be destroyed once the minutes have been approved.
Signed …… A Pallett ……  Clerk to the Council. Date: 24 March 2024
1 Welcome by Chairman
2 Public participation 
To receive questions and comments from members of the public. 
Limited to 15 mins. Please note, the entitlement to speak is only on 
items on the published agenda.
3 Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
4 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in
accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to 
consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
5 Approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on                          Appx 1
6 March 2024
6 Update on any agreed action points
7 Clerks Report
8 To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
a. Community Park & MUGA MRe/MRo
b. Village Hall;  SJ
c. Cemetery; PF
9 To receive District and County Councillor report
10 Financial Matters, as follows;
a. To note updated receipts & payments circulated prior to meeting.                 PF
b. To note Financial report, circulated prior to meeting.                                      PF
11 Planning
a. To consider planning applications (listed below)
Proposal: Roof dormer extension to the rear elevation and installation of 3 rooflights to front elevation
1 Brunts Farm Close Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5AY
Proposal: Retrospective application for the demolition of 2 buildings, reuse of existing
building and erection of 3 new buildings on the site. The installation of 40 solar panels
on land within the site.
Hill View Stubton Rd Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BP
Proposal: Construction of 3 dwellings including private drive access
Development site next to 31 Barnby Lane Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5AW 
b. To note decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate
Submission of details in relation to Condition 7 (Drainage) of 
Planning Permission S21/2131 (APP/E2530/W/22/329717 -
Reserved Matters relating to access, appearance, landscaping 
layout and scale pursuant to outline permission S21/0155 (for 4 
dwellings, including partial demolition of existing farmyard)
Orchard Farm Main Street Claypole
Details Approved 4 March 2024
Approval of details in relation to conditions 2 (materials) and 3 
(boundary treatments) of S21/2131 (APP/E2530/W/22/3290717) 
and Conditons 4 (archaeology), 5 (levels), 6 (hard landscaping) 
and 8 (materials) of S21/0155 (Outline Planning Permission) 
Erection of 4 dwellings including partial demolition of existing 
farm yard.
Orchard Farm Main Street Claypole.
Details approved 13 March 2024
The proposal is to erect a fibre cement sheet shed roof over an 
existing muck store in the farm yard at Copley Farm, Doddington 
Copley Farm , Doddington Lane, Claypole, Lincolnshire, NG23 
Refused 20 March 2024
c. Other Planning Matters
12 Highways matters:
Update on any highway matters                                                                         PF
13 To agree date and time  of Annual Parish Meeting                                        PF
14 To consider consulting Anthony Northcote at an estimated cost of               SJ
£300 to produce response to South Kesteven District Council Local 
Plan Consultation. 
15 To agree amendment to Social Media Policy                                               AM
16 Review of Parish Council Asset Register Appx 2
17 Correspondence:
a. SKDC  - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy consultation
- email circulated 24 March 2024
b. Notice of Election - Police and Crime Commissioner Election, 2 May 2024
- Email circulated 21 March 2024
c. SKDC Community Resilience plans – email circulated 19 March 2024
18 Chairs closing comments
19 Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 1 May 2024