3 July 2024

I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Claypole Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 3 July 2024 at 6.45 pm in the Coulby Room in the Village Hall Main Street Claypole. All members of the Council are summoned and members of the public and press are invited to attend.  This meeting will be recorded for the purposes of the minutes and the recording will be destroyed once the minutes have been approved.
Signed …… A Pallett ……  Clerk to the Council. Date: 26 June 2024
1. Welcome by Chairman
2. Public participation 
To receive questions and comments from members of the public. 
Limited to 15 mins. Please note, the entitlement to speak is only on 
items on the published agenda.
3. Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
4. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in
accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to 
consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
5. Approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Appx 1
5 June 2024
6. Approve the minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting Appx 2
held on 21 June 2024
7. Update on any agreed action points
8. To receive District and County Councillor report
9. Review of CPC Financial Regulations NALC Model Regs circulated       Appx 3
Deferred from last meeting
10. To resolve to set up a Staffing Committee as recommended in Internal 
Audit report 2023/24 item 3, agree Terms of Reference and membership
of committee.                                                                                                 Appx 4
11. To agree to adopt a Training and Development Policy as recommended
in Internal Audit Report 2023/24 item 86                                                      Appx 5
12. To agree to review and update Grant and Donation Policy as recommended
In Internal Audit Report 2023-24 item 60 Appx 6
13. To agree to review all other CPC policies and procedures at September
PC meeting
14. To nominate and approve attendance at LALC AGM and Conference on
24 July 2024 at a cost of £40 per person.
15. Financial Matters, as follows;
a. To receive and note bank reconciliation and bank statements to           Appx 7
31 May 2024. 
b. To receive and note all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 to             Appx 8
31 May 2024.
c. To approve payments made 1 June 2024 to 30 June 2024                  Appx 9
To be sent out following last day of month
d. To note that AGAR for 2023-24 has been submitted to PKF Littlejohn and 
published on noticeboard and website.
e. To agree to transfer funds from Barclays Business Account XXXX7785 to 
Unity Trust Bank Instant Access account XXXX9293
16. To discuss and agree to appoint internal auditor for 2024-25
17. To consider request for grant funding from Claypole Village           Appx 10 
Hall Committee.
18. Planning
a. To consider planning applications (listed below)
None received
b. To note decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate
Application for permission in principle for residential development of one dwelling Location: Cleveland Farm 84 Main Street Claypole
Granted 26 June 2024
Jasmine House 104 Main Street Claypole
Intention to install electronic communications apparatus
Granted 6 June 2024
Bailey Bridge Farm Holme Lane Claypole
Change of use of land to accommodate static mobile home
Withdrawn14 June 2024
c. Other Planning Matters
19. Clerks Report
20. To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA MRe/MRo
Village Hall;  SJ
Cemetery; PF
Update on any highway matters PF
21. Correspondence:
Enquiry from member of public regarding planning application S24/0863- response sent by Clerk
Email from LALC re 2024 AGM and Conference- circulated
Enquiry from member of public in respect of zip wire – response sent by Clerk
Enquiry from Member of public in respect of burial plot - ongoing
22. Chairs closing comments
23. Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 4 September 2024