4 September 2024

I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Claypole Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 4 September 2024 at 6.45 pm in the Coulby Room in the Village Hall Main Street Claypole. All members of the Council are summoned and members of the public and press are invited to attend.  This meeting will be recorded for the purposes of the minutes and the recording will be destroyed once the minutes have been approved.
Signed …… A Pallett ……  Clerk to the Council. Date: 30 August 2024
1. Welcome by Chairman
2. Public participation 
To receive questions and comments from members of the public. 
Limited to 15 mins. Please note, the entitlement to speak is only on 
items on the published agenda.
3. Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
4. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in
accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to 
consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
5. Approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Appx 1
3 July 2024
6. Update on any agreed action points
7. To receive District and County Councillor report
8. Financial Matters, as follows;
a. To receive and note bank reconciliation and bank statements to    Appx 2
30 June 2024. 
b. To receive and note bank reconciliation and bank statements to Appx 3
31 July 2024
c. To receive and note all receipts and payments 1 April 2024 to Appx 4
31 August 2024. To be sent out following last day of month
d. To approve payments made 1 July 2024 to 31 August 2024 Appx 5
To be sent out following last day of month
e. To consider Quarter 1 (Apr-June) expense against budget Appx 6-7
f. To consider virement of budget to cover any potential overspend 
g. To approve list of direct debits for 2024-25 Appx 8
h. To note receipt of vat refund of £5262.97 from HMRC
9. To agree members of Staffing Committee. Terms of Reference agreed
 at July PC meeting.(no less than 3 and no more than 6 members)
10. To review CPC  Policies and Procedures as follows:-
a. Records Retention Policy
b. Equal Opportunities Policy
c. Health and Safety Policy
d. Data Protection Policy
e. Data Breach Policy
f. FOI Handling Enquiries Policy
g. Subject Access Request Policy
h. Privacy Notice (General)
i. Environmental Policy
j. Safeguarding Policy
k. Social Media Policy
l. Email policy
m. Complaints Policy
n. Publication Scheme
o. Code of Conduct
Policies sent out to Councillors 30/8/2024.  Any proposed amendments to be brought to meeting for discussion and agreement.
11. To adopt a Bio-diversity Policy Appx 9-10
12. To approve addition of Cllr Revill and Cllr Merrin to bank mandate
13. To consider movement of funds to Ear Marked Reserves
14. To note one additional salary point to be added to Clerks salary due to obtaining Certificate in Local Council Administration (CILCA) as per 
Contract of employment.
15. To consider adoption of General Power of Competence, having met Appx 11
the conditions of eligibility as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and 
SI The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012.
16. To consider adoption of Scheme of Delegation to Clerk Appx 12
17. To consider and approve setting up contract to empty the Community 
Park waste bins using funding from SKDC Community Fund. Quotes 
to be sent out asap
18. To approve donation of £500 to LIVES as approved in 2024-25 budget.
19. To discuss and consider possible solutions to waterlogging issues at cemetery
20. To consider outstanding invoice in respect of Claypole Cricket Club.
21. To agree that all councillors ensure new email address active by 
30 September 2024
22. To consider making request to Lincolnshire Highways for a concave mirror on corner of Main Street near Jermaine designs. 
23. To receive update on replacement zip wire seat
24. To receive update regarding young people gathering on bridge on Shire Lane.
25. Planning
a. To consider planning applications (listed below)
None received
b. To note decisions – made by SKDC, LCC & Planning Inspectorate
Blaire Rowan 3 Rectory Lane Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BH
Granted 2 July 2024
107 Main Street Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BJ
Granted 8 July 2024
Land Adjacent To 147 Main Street Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5BJ
Granted 7 August 2024
1 Brunts Farm Close Claypole Lincolnshire NG23 5AY
Granted 27 August 2024
c. Other Planning Matters
26. Clerks Report
27. To receive Councillor’s reports & updates for the following;
Community Park & MUGA MRe/MM
Village Hall;  SJ
Cemetery; PF
Update on any highway matters MRo
28. Correspondence:
Email from member of public regarding speeding traffic on way in to Claypole. Circulated 18 July 2024
Email from member of public regarding flooding on Tinsley Close and action by LCC. Circulated 18 July 2024
Email from member of public regarding overgrown trees/bushes on Oster Fen Lane. Clerk reported this to LCC and advised member of public.
Email from PC Mark Barr in respect of Claypole bridge circulated and copied in to County Cllr Maughan 23 July 2024
Email from member of public in respect of zip wire. Circulated 23 July 2024. Response sent by Clerk advising we are awaiting fitting of new seat.
Email from member of public in respect of water-logging at cemetery, circulated 12 August 2024
Contact from Member of Public regarding Speed Indicator Device not working. Email to councillors 27 August 2024.
29. Chairs closing comments
30. Date of next scheduled Parish Council meeting – 2 October 2024