Agenda March 2021


You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting to be held on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 7.00pm via TEAMS. 


  1. Welcome.      
  2. Apologies for absence and reasons given  

3.      To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements

         of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI

4.       Notes of last Parish Council meeting 3/02/2021 to be approved (and signed at a later date).

5.       Clerk’s report (circulated prior to the meeting)

          Decisions required:

1. Determine who should make repairs to the small childrens play area.

2. Consider pattern of future inspections

3.Consider maintenance of footpath

4.Consider dates and venue for Active Holidays for Kids

6.       To approve any reports from councillors (circulated prior to meeting)

7.       To approve any further reports.

8.       Co-option of 2 councillors- introduction from the 2 candidates.

9.      To receive County/District Cllr Reports (circulated prior to meeting)

10.     Community Park - Cllr Freeman’s report circulated prior to the meeting

 Decisions required:

  1. To agree the project plan
  2. To agree in principle that the Parish Council will fund the building from savings and loans if necessary, while opportunities for grant funding will be fully explored.
  3. To select its preferred supplier option.
  4. To agree the location adjacent to the storage container.
  5. Legal advice – to report back on discussion with solicitor and to approve expenditure on advice up to £500. 

11.          Cemetery- general update

12.     Village Hall- general update

13.     Financial Matters - payments to be authorised

  1. £357.18- LALC membership.
  2. £98.00- Jubilate Communications- printing 600 surveys.
  3. £125.00- LALC annual training scheme.
  4. Receipts and Payments Account to 31st March 2021 to be circulated
  5. Approve proposed amendments to financial regulations- circulated prior to meeting

14.     Planning Applications and Results

          S21/0155-outline permission for up to 4 dwellings Orchard Farm

          Draft Design Guidelines for Rutland &SKDC- consultation to March 12th

          Proposed development of 74 dwellings off Doddington Lane- Larkfleet

          Proposed development of 16 affordable housing by Lindum

15.    Correspondence

          Safer Together Team- Maisie McMahon- Co-ordinator- how can we work together?

          Flood Prevention- SKDC- offer of free sand and bags.

          Annual Litter pick- March

16.    Chairperson’s closing statements