Agenda May 2021





You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Meeting to be held on Wednesday 5th May 2021 via TEAMS.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is:

Signed…………………………………Clerk to the Council.  Date………………..

            Members of the public will be invited to comment on any items on the agenda, raise questions and make general comments before the meeting commences.

  1.   Election of Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson                           Clerk
  2.   Declaration of Acceptance of Office and signing    
  3.   To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPIs                                            Cllrs

4.    Apologies and reasons for absence                                              Clerk

5     Notes of last Parish Council meeting 7/04/2021 to be approved and signed.

6.    Appointment of Councillors with special interests:                     Clerk



       Sports and Recreation

       Village Hall

       Highways and footpaths


7.    Forward planning suggestions and future agenda items             Cllrs

8.    Clerk's report (circulated prior to the meeting)

        Decisions required:

                    Determine if an operational inspection is required on the childrens’ small

                    play area.

9     Community Park-                                                             Cllr Freeman

10    Village Hall

11.  Cemetery                                                                                      Clerk  

12   Financial Matters

a)    Approve the following:

£660.00- Freddie Allen- March invoice

£487.36- C Clarke- salary and expenses April- June 2021 

b)   Annual Return 31st March 2021- Appoint Jackie Walton as internal auditor

c)    Review cemetery charges 

13   Review of policies

14   Planning Applications and Results                                              Clerk

  S21/0720-residential development (outline) for 3 dwellings land to rear of      35 Main Street.

  S20/0682- 2, two-storey dwellings on land to rear of 33 Main Street- refused 9th April.

            15.  Highway Matters                                                                         Cllrs

16.  Correspondence                                                                           Clerk

  Facebook message regarding admission of children to Suthers school (Fernwood) and transport arrangements.

17.  Chairperson’s closing statements                                       Chairperson