Agenda Claypole Annual Parish Meeting June 2021

Claypole Parish Council



Annual Parish Meeting


Wednesday 30th June 6.30-8.00pm in the village hall




The formal part of the meeting will be kept to a minimum


  1. Chairperson’s opening comments
  2. Apologies
  3. Notes of meeting held on 1st May 2019
  4. Reports on matters outstanding
  5. Financial Report- 1st April 2020- 31st March 2021- copies available for residents to take away
  6. Chairperson’s Report- annual review of Council’s year
  7. Parishioners’ questions


After this formal part there will be time to make connections and find out what’s going on in your community.  This is NOT a parish council meeting but is a meeting of the electors of Claypole to find out what the council has been doing on your behalf over the last year.



All Welcome.