Agenda November 2021




You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting to be held on Wednesday 3rd November at 7.00pm in the village hall.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is:

Signed…………………………………Clerk to the Council.  Date………………..

            Members of the public will be invited to comment on any items on the agenda, raise questions and make general comments from 6.45 until 7.00pm.

  1.   Welcome                                                               Chairperson
  2.   To agree the co-option of two new councillors
  3.   Apologies and Reasons for Absence                    Clerk
  4.   To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPIs                    Cllrs
  5. Notes of last Parish Council meeting 6/10/2021 to be approved and signed.
  6. Update on Agreed Actions

7.    To receive the Clerk’s report circulated prior to the meeting.

                                Decisions required:

  • To agree provision of Christmas tree at £88.60.
  • To agree the purchase of an information lectern at the cemetery.
  • To agree a budget for storage container and cleaning materials at the pavilion.

8.Neighbourhood Plan- verbal update on developing the plan from Anthony Northcote, Consultant

9.    To receive Councillors Reports

10.  To receive County Councillor/District Councillor Reports   

11.   Community Park-                                                DF/JF

       a) To receive the written report on staffing circulated prior to the meeting.

Decisions required as set out in the report

b)Verbal report on repairs to sportsfield,drains and portable buildings.

12.  Village Hall                                                          SJ       

  1.  Cemetery                                                              PF/clerk
  2. Financial Matters:
  1. Council credit card - To agree the principal that the Council provide the      Clerk with a credit card, subject to appropriate revisions to the Financial Regulations to be agreed at a future meeting

b)    Payments outstanding:

£506.20- C Clarke- salary and expenses Oct-Dec 2021

£24.98-C Clarke- Office 2019 professional

£119.19-SCIS-hosting of email address

£9.00-SCIS-domain renewal

£777.83-Portable Offices- toilet/shower block

£997.50-Freddie Allen- grass cutting and garden maintenance-October

             c)  Receipts and Payments Account to 31st March 2022 to be circulated

15.  Planning Applications and Results                      Cllrs/clerk

        Platform Housing- update                                   JF

        Fernwood extension development- update         JF  

16.  Highway Matters                                                 Cllrs

17.  Correspondence                                                   Clerk

E mail regarding launch of public consultation on the future of 4       Lincolnshire NHS Services.

       E mail about the Annual OPCC Policing Precept Survey

       Fb message about lights going off at night-Swallow Drive area.

18. Chairperson’s closing statements                             Cllr Freeman