July 2020 Agenda


You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting to be held on Wednesday 1st July 2020 at 7.00pm. 


            The Parish Council is following government advice and that of NALC during the coronavirus pandemic to reduce social contact.  This meeting will be conducted through TEAMS, the press and public will be invited to attend.



  1. Welcome & ground rules for virtual meeting circulated prior to meeting        
  2. Apologies for absence and reasons given  

3.      To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements

         of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI

4.       Notes of last Parish Council meeting 3/6/2020 to be approved (and signed at a later date).

5.       To accept written report from the Clerk (circulated prior to meeting)

          To receive any reports from councillors (circulated prior to meeting)

          To receive any brief and urgent verbal reports

          NALC- Model Code of Conduct consultation- deadline 17/8/20

6.     To receive County Councillor and District Councillor Reports (circulated prior to meeting)

7.       Community Park -To receive report from Cllr Freeman circulated prior to the meeting.

8.       Cemetery- review charges for cemetery and Garden of Remembrance

9       i Financial Matters - decisions required/payments to be authorised

  1. £3861.00- Xenon Electrical- new floodlights at MUGA

         ii) Receipts and Payments Account to 31st March 2021 to be circulated

10.     Planning Results

          S20/0708- change to entrance door-Fen Farm, Main Street, approved

          S20/0071- dwelling and access- 11 School Lane- approved

11.    Highway and Footpath Matters –

12.    Correspondence - urgent correspondence (decision required) only

13.    Chairperson’s closing statements                                  



Members of public- please contact the clerk by email before 7pm Tuesday 30th June if you would like to attend the meeting to obtain the required pass codes.  Also if you have a question for the public forum 6.45 to 7.00pm please could you let the clerk know in advance of your question so this can be addressed before the meeting.