28 January 2025 Staffing Committee Meeting
Claypole Parish Council
Staffing Committee
Meeting Agenda
I hereby give you notice that a meeting of Claypole Parish Council will be held on 28th January 2025 at 6.30pm in the Coulby Room in the Village Hall Main Street Claypole. All members of the Staffing Committee are summoned and members of the public and press are invited to attend. This meeting will be recorded for the purposes of the minutes and the recording will be destroyed once the minutes have been approved.
Signed …… A Pallett …… Clerk to the Council. Date: 21 January 2025
1. Welcome by Chair
2. Receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons for absence.
3. To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda in
accordance with the requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and to
consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPI’s.
4. To resolve to approve the minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on 9 November 2024.
5. To resolve to exclude public and press under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) act 1960 1 (2) from the following items
6. To discuss staff appraisal.
7. To agree recommendations to Parish Council
8. Chair’s closing comments