Agenda - January 2023




You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting to be held on Wednesday 4th January 2023 at 7.00pm in the village hall.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is:

Signed…………………………………Clerk to the Council.  Date………………..

            Members of the public will be invited to comment on any items on the agenda, raise questions and make general comments from 6.45 until 7.00pm.

  1.   Welcome                                                                                       Chair
  2.   To receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.                  Clerk
  3.   Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office book- Matthew Revill.
  4.   To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations regarding DPIs                                            Cllrs
  5. To resolve that the notes of last Parish Council meeting 7/12/2022

 be signed as a true and accurate record.

  1. Update on Agreed Actions                                                          Clerk
  2. To receive the Clerk’s report circulated prior to the meeting.     Clerk

No decisions required.

            8.    To receive Councillors Reports   

Community Park- update MR

  1. To receive County Councillor/District Councillor Reports 
  2. Neighbourhood Plan- public consultation period until February 1st and discussion regarding Parish Council representations if any.

11.  Village Hall- general update                                                        SJ

            12.  Cemetery- general update                                                            PF

            13.  Financial Matters:

  a Updated Receipts and Payments  – circulated prior to the meeting.

b Presentation of draft budget 2023-24


1 To accept the report

2 To agree the new precept level

3. To agree the budget    

c  Request from LIVES- defibrillator appeal.

            14.  Planning Matters                                                                          AM/Cllrs



15.  Highway Matters                                                                         Cllrs

16.  Correspondence                                                                           Clerk

 a LGA Model Code of Conduct- presentation Tues 17th January Grantham 6pm

b Anglian water- proposed new reservoir

c Thank you card from retired clerk for her gifts.

17   Chairperson’s closing statements.                                                Chair